God's grace welcomes you,
no matter who you are or where you come from - and so do we! Our Sunday morning "experience" (click here for directions) features friendly people and worship that offers messages from God's Word, uplifting music, and a setting that takes its cue from the way the earliest Christians worshiped. Seeking to match reverence to relevance, we strive to provide a transcendent worship experience that will give you greater joy and strength for life. |
Ever since the followers of Jesus first began meeting together on the anniversary of the Resurrection (Sunday), Christian worship has always focused on Jesus. It was natural for the early Christians to think about Jesus. They had known him personally; they heard his sermons, saw his miracles, watched him die, and touched his hands and feet after he came back to life.
Teacher. Savior. Friend. Example. Leader. Visionary. Son of God. He's been called all of these, and more. So what it is that attracts us to him so? What is it that makes people respect him - and want to be like him? Jesus Christ makes us special people, right with God and ready for life! We learn this from the Bible, God's authentic message of grace and guidance for us. We want to discover both what he has done for us and how to think, act, live, and love more like him.
Whether you are a curious observer with little or no religious background, a seasoned Lutheran, or a spiritual person looking to return to the church, we invite you to worship with us at Christ Lutheran! By the way, a recent University of Pittsburgh study suggests that weekly worship may add 2-3 years to your life (Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, March 2006, 19-2)! At the very least, we trust that you will find the God who loves you and the real purpose for your life.
Our Education Hour begins Sunday morning at 11:00. We offer an adult Bible study, a teen Bible study, and Sunday School classes for younger children. At 09:30 we have our service, a modern setting of the traditional Lutheran liturgy. The congregants and choir sing hymns of praise chosen each week to accompany and support the Bible readings and the sermon. Every other week, we celebrate the Lord's Supper with communion. After the service, we meet informally over coffee, juice, and snacks.