Christ Lutheran Church

Sermons Archive

If you are interested in obtaining a sermon on the archive list, please contact the webmaster.

If your browser warns you that you don't have a necessary plug-in or helper application, you need to download and install the following plugins. For listening  MP3  files, you may use the Apple's Quicktime player (or equivalent), free download of which can be found here:   Quicktime.  Files  REAL  were created with RealSlideShow. You will need the RealOne player (or equivalent) to playback these sermons. the free RealOne Player:   RealOne.  To view   PDF  files, you will need Adobe Reader (or compatable), which you can get for free here:  Adobe.


You can sort a column by clicking on its header. If you desire to read the Scripture text, just click on it and you will be navigated to the corresponding place in the online bible. Sermons are stored in various formats; the Keys for all available formats are as follows:

MP3   MP3 audio REAL   RealAudio PDF   Adobe PDF DOC   Microsoft Word HTML   Video

Date Title Scripture Text Format(s)
{date} {date}
{title}   {ref} MP3  REAL  PDF  DOC  HTML